AMR Labs

Mortar Testing & Matching

AMR Mortar Analysis Lab - 817-366-8376

We are making brick mortar cracks disappear. - AMR


Do you need quality brick mortar repair services or products? We provide mortar matching, mortar testing, and other products and services.

The most important part in any mortar restoration is the mortar used. The replacement mortar needs to match the original mortar in mortar type and crushing pressures. We also match the color and the sand to provide a complete mortar match.

AMR Labs provide a wide range of brick and mortar repair products and services.


Mortar Analysis Methods (Click for more information and Pricing.)

  • We analyze samples of your mortar crushing analysis, acid digestion, and more .

Mortar Matching (Click for more information and Pricing.)

*  Our mortar blends meet the required testing standards (ASTM C91 and are ASTM C270 compliant) as set forth by the ASTM standard for their specific type and function. Only Alamo Masonry Repair Products deliver the quality you deserve.

Pre-Matched Mortars (Click for more information)

  • Pre-Matched Mortars are custom made for your project making repairs easy, accurate, and efficient.

Order bags of mortar mix pre-matched to your formula.


For onsite Brick Repair services visit: (Available only in DFW Metroplex.)