AMR Labs
Pre Mixed Mortar/Custom Mortar
Do you need quality brick mortar repair services or products? We provide mortar matching, mortar testing, and other products and services.
The most important part in any mortar restoration is the mortar used. The replacement mortar needs to match the original mortar in mortar type and crushing pressures. We also match the color and the sand to provide a complete mortar match.
Pre-Matched Mortars are custom made for your brick repair project, making repairs easy, accurate, and efficient.
Order bags of mortar mix pre-matched to your formula.
Just add your local sand and water.
What are the procedures for ordering Pre-Matched Mortars and Mortar Analysis?
Acquire 2-3 samples of mortar at least 1/2 inch in size.
Payment for mortar analysis (Online through PayPal)
Payment for bags of mortar
Package: Samples in a bag, a copy of receipt for mortar analysis, number of bags ordered, your name, job name, job address, and shipping address.
Send package to us at:
AMR Labs/Alamo Masonry Repair
1525 Corona Dr.
Granbury, TX 76048
Your products will be shipped to you within 5-10 business days.
Some delays may occur with large orders or volume of orders being processed.
Acquiring a sample
Use a hammer and chisel to remove the samples of mortar from the corners of the home or directly from one of the cracks. Then send us the samples.
If mortars are soft, it may be easier to remove a brick from the top near an edge, and clean a sample from the brick.
Each box contains 2 bags of mortar.
$70.00 Per Box Pre-Matched Mortars
We analyze samples of your mortar and match them in color, crushing pressure, and color and gradation of sand. Get a perfect mortar match for your brick repair and tuck pointing needs.
Order your mortar analysis and bags of pre-matched tuck point mortars and make your repairs disappear.
Match Is Physically Tested and Confirmed.
AMR certifies that the formula produced for matching your mortar will match your existing mortar in general crushing pressure and color making the repairs more durable, more accurate, and virtually invisible upon completion. (Mold and mildew may need to re-grow naturally.)
Don't guess at your mortar match. Get it certified and lab tested.
What if I need more bags?
Your order is kept on file with the formula. Simply place your order for more mix, and refer us to the previous order placed. We will need your name (company), and job name/ address to pull up the file.
Each formula is guaranteed to match (within a reasonable tone) in the color and texture to the samples provided from your home. Mold and Mildew may need to re-grow in the pores to complete the match. This part of natural aging we cannot recreate because these tones vary around your home and change throughout the year.
Most mortar matches are not visible immediately upon drying.
AMR Labs - 817-366-8376
We are making brick mortar cracks disappear. - AMR